
Our Clients Get Them.

Case Studies




Leadership Training

From Individual Contributors... to PERFORMANCE COACHES


Strategic Facilitation

From Dated Strategy … to INFORMED AND ALIGNED





"Coaching was an instrumental part of my professional growth. Margaret was a great partner for me on my journey to becoming a more effective leader. She helped me become more self-aware and gave me tools to recognize my de-railers and better leverage my strengths."

- Emily, general manager, digital agency

“Margaret stands apart among the people I’ve worked with. She has a brilliant strategic mind and applies a rigorous, thoughtful and creative approach to projects. And her kind and fun personality make her a pleasure to work with!"”

- YVONNE, president, marketing services company

Thanks for today’s workshop. It was really, really helpful. You are very good at your job!”


"I was feeling quite stuck in my career. Well meaning friends and family always offer advice but it felt too safe. Margaret listened and guided me. She made me step out of my comfort zone and really analyze my alternatives. New options opened up to me that had never hit my radar. I truly can't say enough about the guidance I received from Margaret."

- susana, general manager, national telecom

“It’s always good to know that when you are facilitating for us, things are in excellent hands. Thanks for your contribution to our success!

- CATHY, Learning & development leader, national professional services firm

"Margaret helped me make the connection between my goals and the wisdom I was already carrying within myself. By being compassionate, insightful and gently challenging me, she helped me be more deliberate and mindful in living out my values and professional mission.  

- sahar, diversity & inclusion leader, national not-for-profit

"Margaret has been great in helping me identify what is important to me in both my personal and professional life. She is great at cutting through the clutter of the mind to ask the right questions for individuals to help themselves. She helped me develop a personal framework for better decision-making, allowing me to take more control of my life and pursue the lifestyle that is important to me.”

- MILENA, senior manager, corporate real estate firm


"I’m so pleased about where we are in the process of developing our brand. It’s been an interesting process and a great opportunity for us to really understand who we are. As a new organization, there are so many details to sort through and while everyone has an idea of what we're about and how we're going to get there, collaborating and working together and having you facilitate the process has been an extremely valuable experience. Thank you for sharing your expertise with us.”

- DONNA, BOARD CHAIR, national non-profit

"Margaret is a tremendous coach. Her style is insightful and thought-provoking, lending itself to a wide variety of sectors and walks of life. My experience with her has allowed me to better understand and advance my career, and helped me become a better manager and leader both inside and outside of the workplace.”

- graham, corporate strategy director, government agency

"I had the pleasure of working with Marg as my coach on my journey of re-discovering myself and how I wanted to move forward after a successful corporate career. She helped me to see and understand my core self and look at how that impacted my priorities, values and direction. Marg is highly skilled at asking great questions and providing resources for growth. I now have clarity about my core essence and purpose which has energized me, built my confidence and kept me open to new professional opportunities and ideas."  

- carol, marketing executive, national retailer

"Working with Margaret has been an incredible experience. She has worked with me to develop more effective management practices that have improved the efficiency and effectiveness of my team. Her unique perspective and ability to facilitate the discussion have allowed me to see new opportunities, which has been invaluable to the success of my business."

- ABBEY, founder, social venture start-up

"Margaret's ability to help me align my core strengths and values with my career direction was invaluable, and a strong testament to her as a professional coach."

- rebecca, business development manager, government agency

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Margaret moderated discussions about how to identify our own vulnerabilities, and how to support each other at times we might feel vulnerable. While feeling vulnerable often causes us to clam up and hold back, this session encouraged us to embrace vulnerability to move past our insecurities.

- celeste, VP HR, creative strategy company

"I was unsure how to begin figuring out what was next for my career. Margaret worked with me to identify and articulate my passions, strengths and goals for the future. She led me through practical exercises that enabled me to focus my efforts, develop a effective roadmap for my search and help build my confidence and enthusiasm."

- SCOTT, executive director, national arts organization

"While I was working in a sector I loved, I felt like I'd lost my spark. Margaret helped me broaden my horizons, and recognize some amazing possibilities. We explored my strengths and values, and I discovered that I had a secret entrepreneurial streak! In learning that, and many other things about myself, I was inspired to take the leap, and start my own business. My only regret is that I didn't call Margaret sooner - working with her is the best investment I've ever made in myself and my career.”

- emma, fundraising expert and business owner

"At times, I experience decision paralysis when faced with difficult moments, but Margaret’s coaching has taught me to be strong in addressing challenges, to be committed to my goals, but also gentle with myself so my work will be sustainable. She has truly taught me how to expand my realm of what I believe I can accomplish. Since our coaching has begun, I've experienced more genuine and meaningful success in my community, work and passion projects."