
 For Leaders, Teams and Professionals.

What We Do


Whatever the assignment, we start with your vision, goals and success measures. We take a strategic approach that ensures what we c0-create is accountable and central.

No nice-to-haves here.

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#1 - Leadership Development and Team Performance


Executive Coaching

Discover the leadership competencies and behaviours that will have the greatest impact on your success. Communication, collaboration, strategic thinking, leadership presence, self management, getting out of the weeds, you choose. Learn to coach your people to be more self-sufficient and engaged. Kick bad habits and take care of yourself so you have the energy and capacity to do the change-making work you love. Discover a philosophy for your life that will fulfill and restore you while allowing you to be there for the people and missions you care about most. Lean into the possibilitiy created by a skilled coach that is objective and has no agenda other than yours. Option to integrate mentoring in subject matter expertise areas including sales and business development, brand and marketing, and client management.

Team Coaching

Get clear on your team agreements and commitments to the organization and stakeholders. Build a high performing team with common understanding, purpose and shared accountability. Maximize the creativity and better decisions that result from differing perspectives and a place where risk and vulnerablity are rewarded. Discover the toxic behaviours that all teams can have, then work together to eliminate them. Move away from making the team's leader the default go-to. Develop cross-functional relationships, break down silos and learn to have the game-changing conversations that unlock creativity and innovation.

Training Curriculum & Facilitation

Co-create learning goals that will drive organizational and individual success. A menu of relevant and evidence-based modules that can be fully or partially customized to meet the client where you are. Follow-on group or one-on-one coaching that reinforces and personalizes the training. Adult education principles that allow participants to confidently remember, understand, apply and analyse their learning. On-going consultation that immerses us in your reality and culture. Specialties in leadership development and B2B client management.

Board & Executive Advisory

Reach out for the organizational effectiveness expertise you need. Whether an on-going sounding board, a stakeholder consultation or a facilitated board session, bring us your challenge and we'll propose a solution that's right for you. Or we'll recommend an expert who does the stuff we don't do.


#2 - Career Navigation and Reputation Strategy


Career Coaching 

Envision the professional life that will allow you to be at your best while adding value and making a difference (and paying the bills). Connect with your unique strengths, values and purpose. Build a career road map with specific action steps. Develop the habits and mindsets that will support you through your transition. Debrief with your coach accountability partner. Allow her to both encourage and challenge your perspective as you get clearer and more confident. Dig into career planning tools and resources that will accelerate your progress. Enjoy results that are accomplished faster and better, and that last and are repeatable. Offered in both one-on-one and small group formats.

Personal Brand

Figure out what defines and differentiates you and who should care. Develop the credible and relevant promise and story that will position you for success. Take a similar disciplined approach to yourself that organizations take to their brands - understanding that human beings are much more. Nonetheless, we need to be able to articulate our value if we want to enter a market and trade our skills fairly. Opportunity to combine with leadership or career coaching that focusses on building your capabilities and the credibility and influence of your brand. 

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Birkman Assessment Consultation

Supplement your journey with a 90-minute Birkman consultation with accredited practitioner, Margaret James. Gain a deeper understanding of your motivators, strengths and detailers. Get clearer about your career interests and what you need in order to thrive at work.

The Birkman Method is a renowned evidence-based psychometric instrument valued by organizations and leaders around the world.

Learn more about Birkman here.

For professional women considering big changes in their working lives. Three days of expertly designed and facilitated workshops that allow you to gain new clarity and confidence. Including gourmet meals, stylish accommodations and lots of downtime on a lovely country property just east of the GTA.